Sts. Kyrikos And Julitta - Icons
Sts. Kyrikos And Julitta - Icons
Sts. Kyrikos And Julitta - Icons

Sts. Kyrikos and Julitta

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Saints Kyrikos and Julitta, martyrs

Saints Kyrikos and Julitta lived in Asia Minor and were martyrs under the emperor Diocletian in the year 305. The mother, Julitta, watched her young son, Kyrikos, refuse to renounce the Faith. He was thrown down a set of stone stairs which completed his martyrdom. Julitta was tortured, yet refused to renounce the Faith. After many tortures, the holy martyr Julitta was beheaded with the sword. Sts. Julitta and Kyrikos are commonly prayed to for family happiness and for the restoring of health to sick children.



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