Why do we build Traditional Panel Icons?

Orthodox Christian Supply Blog

I wanted to take a moment and comment on why we are in the process of closing out our “standard panel icons” and will soon be moving to exclusively the Traditional Panel option.  From our end, we feel that this style of panel is much more in line with the work we are trying to do here at Orthodox Christian Supply.  There are many suppliers of the MDF style boards and, in the beginning, we also chose to sell this option as we believed, at that time, that our customers “expected” icons to be of this nature.  In our experience, however, we have found that we sell 10 : 1 Traditional Panels icons over the standard MDF boards.   To us, this is absolutely amazing!  It was the Traditional Panel concept that was, in fact, the impetus for us opening an online Orthodox icon store in the first place.  Our desire in this…

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