Photoshop Editing of Orthodox Icons

Did you know that Orthodox Christian Supply does Photoshop editing of icons?  In many cases we are able to remove glare, correct blurry areas, change orthography to english, remove shadows, etc.

Before                                    After

stdavidtreedweller10%22 copy copy      OTk3MzAwRUFGODBGNkU1NkQzRkI6MTA4N2IzODM3OTM3NmMyMTc2NzBiMzQ1NzI4YjgzY2U6Ojo6OjA=

In the case of this icon of St. David the Tree Dweller, the original had extreme glare cast across the entire image and the orthography was not legible.  We corrected these issues by replacing the entire background, removing the kovcheg, adding english orthography, eliminating shadows at the bottom of the icon and bringing more crispness to the overall composition.  If you need edits made to icons, please do not hesitate to let us know.

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